The Bethlehem Parks and Recreation Commemorative Tree & Bench Program

Sponsored by the Friends of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation

What better way to remember a loved one ~ or ~ celebrate a special event than to plant a tree ~ or ~ place a bench In a public park for all to enjoy for years to come! Click here to download the flyer.

How to Donate

If you wish to donate a tree or park bench, send us an email at or write to us at the address on the bottom of the page.  Please include:

Once we establish that we can accommodate your wishes, we will ask you to submit a check payable to “Friends of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation” at the address below.

Donate a Tree

Donation level: $400

Your choice of:

Trees will be a minimum of 5 feet tall, but size will vary due to type of tree selected.  Trees do not include a plaque.  Any added plaques or decorations may be removed. Trees can usually be planted in the Bethlehem Town park (and general area) of your choice, subject to Town approval.  Trees cannot be planted in certain locations due to underground infrastructure.

Interested in a higher-level donation? 

Larger, more well-established trees may be placed. Please contact us for details!

Donate a Park Bench

Donation level: $1,000

In accordance with Town specifications, park benches are 6 feet long with concrete sides and wooden slats.

A cast bronze plaque (3” x 8”) with an inscription of your choice will be attached to the bench. Parks benches can usually be placed in the Bethlehem Town park (and general area) of your choice. The text on the bronze plaque can be up to four lines, each with 36 total characters and spaces.

We cannot guarantee that benches will not be moved by park patrons.

Interested in a higher-level donation? 

The Elm Avenue Park Pool Complex is in need of pool benches. Please contact us for details!

You should know:

Donated trees and benches (including plaques) are the property of the Town of Bethlehem.

Not all tree and park choices are available at all times. Site location is dependent on the needs of the Parks and Recreation Department and planning processes that may already be underway.

Once the tree is planted or the bench is placed, neither the Town nor Friends of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation shall be responsible for loss or damage.

All tree and bench donations include a donation to Friends of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation to be used in furtherance of our mission.

Friends of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  All donations are fully deductible to the extent allowed by law.